What is TAAF?

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAAF) is a federals program that provides technical assistance to manufacturers negatively impacted by import competition.

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, this cost-sharing federal assistance program pays for the costs of consultants or industry-specific experts for projects that improve a firm’s global competitiveness.


How long must a company have been in business to apply?
At least 24 months.

What are the criteria for acceptance?
A negative impact on business volume and labor resulting from imports.

We also produce goods and or services off shore. Can we still apply?
Yes, but only domestic volume and employment will be considered in the process of certifying the company as trade-injured.


How do I know that competitors and others won’t find out my trade secrets or financial information?
The information you submit is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. Only the company’s name, address and product manufactured will appear in the Federal Register.

Technical Assistance Guidelines

What restrictions apply?
Assistance cannot be used to acquire assets or to cover salaries.

What can assistance be used for?
The assistance can be used to upgrade virtually any business process, through the implementation of knowledge-based projects by outside experts and consultants, including, but not limited to: marketing, sales, operations, financial management, IT planning, training, new product development, new service development, quality assurance, customer service, software customization, etc.

Your Responsibilities

What does it cost to appy? 
There are no costs to apply.

How is the amount of assistance determined?
The company size, the number of employees, its complexity, the nature of issues facing it, and the robustness of its commitment to upgrade its global competitiveness.

Is there a cost share?
Yes. Depending on the firm’s specific circumstances, you will match from 25% to 50% of the assistance.


How long does it take to get approved?
Each company’s circumstances are unique. Your experience may be longer or may be shorter depending on your needs.

How long is the assistance available for me?
Your firm will be expected to start project within 6 months of approval and we encourage all firms to use all assistance within 5 years.